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Pioneering smart mobility infrastructure management.

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Enabling safe, efficient, and sustainable mobility.

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Moving smarter, together.

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The World’s Trusted Technology Ecosystem for Smart Mobility Infrastructure Management

 Delivered through Iteris’ ClearMobility® Platform, our cloud-enabled end-to-end solutions monitor, visualize and optimize mobility infrastructure around the world, and help bridge legacy technology silos to unlock the future of transportation. That’s why more than 10,000 public agencies and private-sector enterprises focused on mobility rely on Iteris every day.

The Promise Of Smart Mobility

It’s easy to imagine a future where “smart mobility” is no longer a vision, but an expectation. Where intersections curb collisions, and traffic grids adapt to real-time demand. Where autonomous delivery trucks track the fastest route to your doorstep, and travelers find the safest way home. This reality is closer than ever before. We have the ambition, we understand the promise, and we’ve built the technology.

Now, we must connect it all. Creating an ecosystem that bridges software and sensors, private and public, road and vehicle—unified by a common cloud, and seamlessly integrated to unlock continuous value.

Unparalleled Experience And Expertise

 At Iteris, we believe this kind of intelligent connection must be built from the ground up. Not by a budding startup with a clever idea, but by a team of experts with over 15 years of industry innovation, 10,000 customers, and a shared mission to change the way we move. People with a demonstrated commitment to delivering the future, and who know what it takes to make it happen. 

The Industry’s First End-To-End Platform

 Today, we’ve applied this understanding to create the most complete solution for smart mobility: leveraging the cloud to connect the world’s oldest infrastructure to its newest opportunity. Because as our world continues to accelerate, our infrastructure can no longer afford to stand still. 

Only Iteris has what it takes to deliver on the promise of smarter infrastructure for a cloud-connected world

Who We Serve:


public agency and commercial customers

Our Coverage:


smart sensors installed

Built By Experts:


industry, technical and domain experts

Smarter Infrastructure Means Better Outcomes


Fewer crashes and collisions, fewer injuries, and better data for further improvement.

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Cloud-based platform enables ecosystem participants to increase traffic throughput, share costs and capture scale benefits.

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Less congestion lowers carbon footprint; data-driven planning enables smarter, greener cities.

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Transformed Through Partnership:
How we collaborate is at the center of true connectivity – and lasting transformation.

By bridging the public and private sectors, empowering local and global leaders, developing easily configurable, shared solutions, working with – not against – our current reality, we are designing for a world of constant change.

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