How is Iteris Reducing Traffic Congestion?

Ever wonder why traffic congestion can get so bad? The common culprit is signal timing issues, leading to long delays, increased fuel consumption, and a frustrated traveling public.
Traditionally, fixing traffic signal issues has been a slow process. It can take days for someone to report the problem, and even longer for traffic field staff to investigate and solve it. A faulty pedestrian push button stuck in the request position could mean weeks of traffic delays while the right assets are tracked down and installed.
But with Iteris, there's a smarter way to handle these issues:
Smart detection and data transfer: Iteris sensors detect traffic backups and immediately send data to the cloud, feeding it into our ClearGuide® software. Enterprise asset management: Once a backup is detected, traffic operators receive alerts and use Iteris ClearAsset™ software to pinpoint the exact cause, like a faulty pedestrian button, and locate the nearest available replacement within minutes. Rapid resolution: Operators notify local traffic agencies, who can swiftly procure and install the asset. What previously took two weeks can now be resolved in a few hours.
Through cutting-edge technology and real-time insights, Iteris reduces congestion, cuts emissions, and improves overall traffic flow—bringing traffic back to normal quickly and efficiently. Watch the video above to see more.
Ready to reduce traffic congestion in your community? Contact us to learn more about Iteris’ smart mobility solutions.
About the Author
Breanna Wallace is manager of public relations and social media at Iteris.
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